Can Hearing Loss Be Cured?

Can Hearing Loss Be Cured?

Untreated hearing loss is a serious condition that cannot be cured, currently. However, it can be treated and improved using modern technology like hearing aids. Currently, the United States has 6 million people who are dealing with hearing loss. Untreated hearing loss is a serious problem in the U.S., especially since the condition can’t be cured, so people are going … Read More

Prevent Falls by Treating Hearing Loss

Prevent Falls by Treating Hearing Loss

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for senior Americans. After the fall and recovering, there is still the sense of unease which can have an impact on a seniors’ safety and independence. Falls can be economically as well as personally costly. Seniors who may injure themselves in a fall, even if it’s in the house, usually … Read More

September is World Alzheimer’s Month

September is World Alzheimer’s Month

World Alzheimer’s Month is part of an international campaign to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease. A recent survey showed that globally, two out of three people believe there is little to no understanding of dementia in their countries. Yet the impact of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are widespread and projected to impact 152 million people world-wide by 2050. Why are … Read More

When to Get New Hearing Aids

When to Get New Hearing Aids

Technological advancements and changes in your expectations are two very good reasons to think about getting new hearing aids. You may have had changes in your hearing, it may have been five or more years since you got new hearing aids, there may be some nagging issues with the hearing aids you are wearing – those are also reasons to … Read More

The Benefits of Bluetooth Hearing Aids

The Benefits of Bluetooth Hearing Aids

The hearing aid industry has wholeheartedly embraced technology, and that’s good news for you! Hearing aids can improve all aspects of your life – both personal and professional. At Comprehensive Ear & Hearing, we pride ourselves on staying up to date with the latest technology so we can pass those advances on to you. Improvements in Bluetooth hearing aids will … Read More

Comorbidities of Hearing Loss

Comorbidities of Hearing Loss

It can be disastrous when hearing loss begins to emerge. It ever alters the way someone interacts with the environment around them. Hearing loss may also often be a manifestation or result of other, more severe health problems referred to as comorbidities. Comorbidities is a medical term for one or more illnesses or circumstances occurring concurrently in the same individual. They … Read More

Osteoporosis and Sudden Hearing Loss

Osteoporosis and Sudden Hearing Loss

What does the strength of our bones have to do with our hearing loss? The inner machinations of our ears rely on the proper workings of tiny bones within the middle ear. They play a crucial role in our hearing process. The process of bone loss and regeneration begins to slow down as we surpass our twenties. By the time … Read More

Ear Candles: Effective or Dangerous?

Ear Candles: Effective or Dangerous?

We have all been advised from an early age to not stick anything in our ears and as adults we often look to alternative therapies or DIY remedies to maintain our health. The two concepts collide when it comes to “Ear Candling,” also known as, Chandelles Auriculaires, Thermal-Auricular Therapy, Auricular Candles, and Ear Coning. So, what is the draw of … Read More

The Role of Ears in the Balance System

A woman doing exercise outside.

Did you know that the role of our ears is crucial in our complex balance system? It is one part of many mechanisms that work together that form an intricate system to maintain the balance we need for everyday activities. The eyes (visual input), inner ears (vestibular input) and the muscles and joints (proprioceptive input) work together to give the … Read More

Ensuring That Your Meetings are Accessible to People with Hearing Loss

Ensuring That Your Meetings Are Accessible to People with Hearing Loss Dealing with hearing loss is a struggle that can frustrate the strongest person. Hearing devices are great and they improve the quality of life of the hearing impaired. But even with hearing aids, there are some issues at times. And, many of those who should be using hearing aids … Read More